Wyoming Mail Forwarding Service

Use our Wyoming Mail Forwarding service to expand our privacy protection to all your regular business mail! When used in combination with our registered agent service, you gain the ability to keep your contact information at the peak of security. You’ll also be saving yourself from being bombarded with junk mail, solicitors, and scam attempts. We upload images of only your legitimate mail then notify you via email that you have new pages to view. Access your private online account anytime from your computer or phone to view, download, or request the physical forwarding of any mail we receive for you.

Maintaining your information privacy and obtaining a professional Wyoming address presence has never been easier! Click the link below to sign up for our registered agent service, and add Wyoming Mail Forwarding to your order under “Optional Items” by clicking “I want to have a Wyoming business address.” 


How Does Wyoming Mail Forwarding Service Work?

Once you complete the mail forwarding signup, you will be assigned a unique suite number to use with our Wyoming registered agent address. Once we’ve processed your order and created the suite number for you, we will email you the good news and all the information you’ll need to start using your new mail forwarding address. This process can take up to 48 hours from the completion of your order.

When we receive your mail, we will open and scan it then upload the scanned image to your online account the same day. You will be notified via email when you have new mail to view. This is also the way we handle service of process and secretary of state notices as a registered agent. From within your online account, you can view, download, print out, or click to request any piece of mail be physically forwarded to you (small shipping fees may apply). 

As a mail forwarding client, you may list our address on your bank account, business cards, advertising, business website, or whatever you need to to facilitate day to day operations. All this is part of our commitment to providing the most comprehensive information privacy possible to our clients. 

Think you need to know coding to build a business website? Think again! Our Wyoming Business Presence package provides everything you need to get online fast. Step-by-step guidance included FREE!

Wyoming Mail Forwarding Plans

We offer multiple Wyoming Mail Forwarding options so you never get stuck paying for more than you need, and both options include a unique suite number for your Wyoming business. With either option, we process your mail daily and email to notify you of new mail in your account. You will be able to use our address with your unique suite number for all your mailing needs immediately after it is assigned to your company. Each option provides your company with additional mail scans on top of the 3 free scans we provide to all of our registered agent clients.

  1. $49/year for 10 additional digital mail scans
  2. $99/year for 25 additional digital mail scans
  3. $19/month Virtual Office Package: Unlimited mail, phone service & office suite lease agreement

As you can see in the table below, we have mail forwarding plans for a variety of needs and budgets:


Buffalo Registered Agent $49/year

Deluxe Mail Forwarding $49/year

Premium Mail Forwarding $99/year

Buffalo Virtual Office $19/month

Business Address

Mail Forwarding

3 documents/year

+10 documents/year

+25 documents/year


Suite Number


Office Lease


Phone Service

 90 Days Free, then $9/month  90 Days Free, then $9/month  90 Days Free, then $9/month

Included for free!

If you’re not sure how much regular mail you’re business will receive, no problem! You can always add a Mail Forwarding Service to your account later, or cancel it anytime for free if it’s not being used. It’s our goal to make it as easy as possible for our services to be customized to your needs.

Wyoming Mail Forwarding FAQ

Still have some questions? Check out the questions and answers below, and if you still need more information, give us a call during regular business hours: (307) 554-1800

Do I need a physical address for my business in Wyoming?

A physical Wyoming address is needed for the registered agent address, but the business physical can be a virtual office address and the mailing address can be a PO Box. The business physical and mailing address do not need to be Wyoming addresses, they can be anywhere in the U.S. or overseas. The benefit of using your registered agent address for these addresses is to maintain your privacy, that’s number one! But also, using our registered agent address means never having to file paperwork to update the state when your business address changes. 

Can I  list a Wyoming Mail Forwarding address for my business bank account?

Absolutely! You can list our address for your bank account if your bank allows it. If we receive your bank card or box of checks, we can mail them out to you at your request for a small shipping and handling fee. To save money on shipping, see if you can have your local bank receive those items for you. 

Do I really need a mail forwarding address?

We understand! We don’t like spending money where we don’t have to, either. If you’re not sure if you need a separate Mail Forwarding service, just use the free 3 scans that come with our registered agent service first. Then, if we begin to receive enough regular business mail for your business to make it worth the cost, you can add a Mail Fowarding plan to your account at that time. We will not refuse any regular mail that we receive for your business if you go over the limit. There may be a fee to view the extra mail, and that’s when you can decide if a separate Mail Forwarding plan is right for your business. 

Will it be a problem if I want to have a lot of business mail sent to your registered agent address?

Not at all. Our client accounts were custom designed for exactly this, so there is no data limit or anything like that to worry about. Beyond that, it’s just a matter of picking the plan that best matches your needs. You don’t want to pay for anything you won’t use, and you also want to avoid fees for going over a lower mail limit. The nice thing about our service is: if your needs drop or grow, you can easily switch plans within your account.

Here’s a recap of the three options for you:

  • $49 a year plan: Receive an additional 10 regular business mail scans (regular mail = mail not from state or legal sources) on top of the 3 allowed with registered agent service per year. All documents received beyond the package limits will be subject to a $15/item processing fee. This plan can be cancelled or upgraded in your account at any time.
  • $99 a year plan: Receive an additional 25 regular business mail scans (regular mail = mail not from state or legal sources) on top of the 3 allowed with registered agent service per year. All documents received beyond the package limits will be subject to a $15/item processing fee. Cancel or change this package up in your account at any time.
  • $19/month Virtual Office: Get unlimited mail scans! Extras include: a 12-month office lease and Wyoming Phone Service. Never worry about document limits!

Any of these services can be ordered with registered agent service or with a new company order. You’re also not locked in to a contract. You can switch plans or cancel however it makes sense for your business.

Can I use a Mail Forwarding address to sell on Amazon?

Yes, you can list a Mail Forwarding or Virtual Office address with Amazon. There are a couple of things to keep in mind. First, watch for the address verification postcard they’ll send us to confirm the address effectively. Secondly, just be sure you’re using the address in a logical way for your business. For example, it doesn’t make sense to use a mail forwarding address for your product return address. Multiple shipping fees, delays in processing by it coming to us first, and package processing fees wouldn’t make that ideal.